Thorough cleansing is the first and most important step in any skin care program. Deep cleansing is recommended twice a day, in the morning and at night. This assures removal of surface impurities, the rest of makeup and excessive oiliness.
Ideal cleansing is completed by application of a toner or refreshing lotion. This kind of products prepares the skin for the use of moisturizers and lubricants.
The last basic step is to apply a good moisturizer, which will keep your skin soft, and protect it from the aggressive environmental assaults that it's exposed every day.
Be sure to clean your face thoroughly before going to bed at night and apply a good night time moisturizer.
Nighttime skin care Cleanse, Tone, Exfoliate & Moisturize face Good skin care for your face is very important, if you want beautiful glowing skin.
Follow this routine and put your best face forward.
1. Cleanse nightly with a cream cleanser to remove makeup and surface dirt. Use a
soft cloth and lots of water.
2. Steam your face by applying a soft cloth, soaked in hot water and run out
slightly. This will help open the pores and release all in impurities.
3. Exfoliate or follow with a good foaming cleanser for a deeper clean.
4. Finish with a toner or astringent depending on your skin type and personal preference. Preferably a nonalcoholic toner especially for dry skin types.
5. Moisturize, complete your nightly regimen by applying eye cream to the delicate areas around the eyes. Apply night cream to your face and throat. Moisturizer is important no matter what your skin type.